Like many of us I’m keen to do my bit to save the planet, writes Julia Stephenson 


I precycle, recycle and cycle; I darn and dye my old clothes so I don’t have to buy new ones, I save the plastic bags newspapers are often wrapped in at the weekend and use them as sandwich bags (over and over again until they fall apart).  I even get my inamorato to pee on the compost heap.


(It aids decomposition if you wondered - I would myself, but women’s pee is apparently too acidic, although that may just be a sexist permaculture myth).  Last week I even bought a mooncup.  Stop!  Enough information already!

The fact is, I’m so green I’m turning into a carborexic, a condition for which there is no known cure.  Once you start to worry about (in my case) wildlife choking to death on plastic refuse, you would rather die of thirst than drink out of a plastic cup.