Russ Gray explains how Holosync can increase energy and cope-ability




Just like going to the gym, Holosync won’t get you super fit in one session, but an ongoing program will provide long-term benefits that will astound you.


 Every aspect of our physical being vibrates at certain frequencies, communicating with itself thousands of times per second. Our belief systems, which run on automatic in our unconscious mind, provide a programmed blueprint of how and why we think the way we do, and have an effect on the actions we take and even on the speech patterns we use to express ourselves.


When our capacity to deal with life-matters is high we’re not easily thrown into turmoil and chaos.  We see life not as a fearful series of events that are out to get us, but as an adventure of discovery urging us on to ever-greater expansion.  However, when our running systems can no longer cope with the pressure placed upon them, we reach a threshold that’s literally make or break, and we either push forward into a higher capacity or fold back into the old dysfunctional behaviour that got us to where we were before the point of overwhelm.


Holosync uses frequencies based on the brainwave patterns of Beta, Alpha, Delta and Theta. Providing the brain with this input gives it the opportunity to make those synaptic connections that enable it to grow in capacity and thus cope-ability. The result is like thinking in 3D!


Holosync isn’t a quick fix to life’s problems but an ongoing progress to increase capacity to cope and live at higher capability and energy levels.
