You know you are worth it when you have a massive celestial object named after you! And you can - just follow the link and spend all your spare time sifting through 250,000 galaxies and classifying them. Not feeling like Einstein today? Don't worry - it can be done by a six-year-old!
Quanzhi Ye's boyhood dream comes true as he spots a new comet!
Comet Lulin, named after the observatory in Taiwan where the discovery-photo was taken, is now approaching Earth. "It is a green beauty that could become visible to the naked eye any day now," says Ye.
The Milky Way - the spiral galaxy of which we're a part - is nicely captured in this great image from Hawaii.
With ideas borrowed from David Bohm here. "The Field as a Hologram." See the links in Part 1 to the Pari Centre for New Learning to get more science.
Part 6 View Video
The Fives Modes of Prayer
Here is Part 4. Please see Part 1 for more information and links to related research in a similar area to the one described here.