

The world music, food and art inter-faith charity fund-raiser for Health Poverty Action is set to return to the Jewish Museum in London on 8 September and hoping for another sell-out success.


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May 15th is International Conscientious Objector’s Day.  The world over, men and women are still being imprisoned for avoiding conscription or deserting the army on moral or religious grounds.


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To a group of pioneering anthropologists, 'weird' means both unusual and 'Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich and Democratic'. Do their findings suggest another validation of the Buddhist principle of esho funi - the oneness of life and the environment?



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One amazing painter!






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In society and in our educational systems we tend to overrate IQ, writes David Hare. To paraphrase the multiple intelligences theory of esteemed psychologist Howard Gardner, we measure how clever you are (intellectually) rather than how you are clever (which could include loads of other talents, such as fixing a car or knowing how to build rapport with people).


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Foodbanks are desperate for donations. Shocked after hearing that local children were fainting in class because their parents couldn’t afford to feed them properly, I sought out a foodbank in the Greater Manchester area. My provisions were repackaged immediately by a volunteer and handed out to sad, hungry-looking people in the long queue outside the church.


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At the same time - on the same day... people around the world - from Kosovo to Cambodia -Belarus to India - Finland to Tanzania... sang the Beatles classic to raise money for the fight against AIDs in Africa. 


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