We are caught up in a social and economic revolution driven by the internet and we are educating out of our children one of the survival skills they really need - creativity.
‘This revolution is comparable to the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century,’ says education expert Sir Ken Robinson. ‘It’s only just begun and we must radically rethink our mindsets and our school systems.’
‘We particularly need to change the way we think about intelligence and creativity,’ Robinson says. ‘We need a right brain revolution to support creativity which, along with big picture concepts, will dominate the global economy of the future.’
1.1 billion people currently access the internet.
‘To make the best of our time together on this small and crowded planet, we have to develop—consciously and rigorously—our powers of imagination and creativity within a different framework of human purpose, ’ he says.
As one reviewer of Robinson’s work wrote, ‘Read and rejoice!’
Read more or watch a TED talk.