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Green guru, Donnachadh McCarthy, has come up with an original way of helping us all to slash our household bills and carbon footprint at the same time, writes Julia Stephenson


He has set up National Carbon Footprint Day on October 2, to encourage us to take a pledge to measure our carbon footprint, which will then be measured again the following year to see how people have become more 'green'.

The website works by automatically reminding visitors every year on October 2 to take their utility measurements; all they have to do is try to be more eco and let the site do the maths for them.

"With the Arctic Summer Ice Cap now melting at a rate over six times faster than predicted only four years ago, climate change is now truly an urgent climate crisis," Donnachadh (pictured here with his wind turbine) explains

"National Carbon Footprint Day will encourage millions of people to start taking the urgent action needed to avoid total catastrophe."

Here Donnachadh explains in more detail why he thinks it’s so important we take part.

For information about having your home eco-audited by Donnachadh visit

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