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In 1997 due to overwhelming public pressure, the UK Government banned the testing of cosmetics on animals, writes Julia Stephenson.




This was a great victory at the time, but did you know that each time a new household product (as if we don’t have enough already!) comes out it must still be tested on animals?

Ironically the government has used huge resources and spent millions of pounds to ban hunting while doing absolutely nothing to prevent the unnecessary suffering of thousands of animals in laboratories. These animals must endure having chemicals put in their eyes, or on their skin, or been force-fed to the point of death. These dangerous chemicals often end up in our household products anyway despite being tested on animals.

The only things that prevent change are the lack of political will to actively seek alternatives and the vested interests that take the path of least resistance. A change of hearts and minds is needed.

Fortunately there is something we can all do. The British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection are currently campaigning to end these experiments by encouraging the public to write to their MP. To date 195 MPs have now signed EDM 1215, the BUAV's parliamentary petition that demands a ban on the animal testing of household products and their ingredients. They need only 5 more signatures before reaching the magic target of 200 which will ensure this serious issue being debated in Parliament.

If you’d like to write to your MP about this issue click here for a suggested letter. MP’s do take note of letters from constituents and it’s a very effective way of getting your message across.

For further information about how Europe followed the UK’s lead and banned the testing of cosmetics on animals in 2007 click here 

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