
Not so argues Donnachadh McCarthy.  Slashing your carbon emissions is good for your wallet and the planet.


Some people dismiss eco-concerns as the preserve of the rich middle-classes. Having been a councillor in Peckham and spoken to groups all over the UK about climate change, I can vouch for the fact that there are millions of people with low incomes who are as passionate about saving the planet as Zac Goldsmith.

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While opinion polls suggest that most people in Britain are worried about climate change, there is little sign of action on their part.  Why?


By Julia Stephenson 


One of the main reasons for this is that people feel it won't make a difference to the bigger, global picture.  With China, for example, overtaking the USA as the world’s biggest emitter of carbon dioxide, what’s the point of one person using energy-efficient light bulbs or half-filling their kettle?

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If you believe the ad hype, you can't keep a clean house without loading your shopping trolley with a different cleaner for each surface, floor and sink.  Not true, says Julia Stephenson

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Take one plastic bag, add a little thought - and maybe a few slaps...

In the battle between trees and solar panels, is there a nice green solution?  Donnachadh McCarthy investigates



A new angle on the traditional neighbours-tree-dispute has been in the news, with reports of a home owner in California taking his neighbour to court to get them to trim the 60ft redwoods they had planted in their garden ten years before he installed his 128 solar-electric panels. The trees were overshadowing the panels and slashing the energy they were producing.

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The world's rubbish dump: a garbage tip that stretches from Hawaii to Japan

By Kathy Marks and Daniel Howden

A 'plastic soup' of waste floating in the Pacific Ocean is growing at an alarming rate and now covers an area twice the size of the continental United States, scientists have said.

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Julia has just been on the telly - coo!



Recently a film crew from GMTV came round to my flat to record a sort of green infomercial which was to be replayed on Lorraine Kelly’s breakfast show the following week. Eager as always to do my bit for the planet I was filmed poking around my worm bin (unfortunately the lid had blown off again and all the rain had turned it into a bit of a swamp), cleaning my windows with vinegar and water and watering my window boxes with my grubby saved old bathwater.

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