
Is it time for Lady Penelope to give up her gas guzzler?


By Louis Reynolds


There is a silent, ongoing, global war between motor cars and people. It is silent because, though it kills many times more people than armed conflicts and terrorist acts combined, it seldom hits the headlines in the way they do. It is ongoing because it rages and will continue to rage around us day and night. And it is global because, though it started in the rich world just over a century ago, it has spread throughout the world and is now spreading like wildfire through poor countries.

I have called this war Carmageddon, from Armageddon (n), a dramatic and catastrophic conflict, especially one seen as likely to destroy the world or the human race. This article describes Carmageddon and its four theatres of war.

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Global warming is not just a theory to us - what happens in Britain affects us in the north. 

By Aqqaluk Lynge, leader of Greenland’s Inuit population


You may say that the expansion of London Stansted airport will play only a small part in increasing climate change, but everyone can say that about almost everything they do. It is an excuse for doing nothing. The result of that attitude would be catastrophic.

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Since 1997, Germany has installed 300,000 home energy kits.  In the UK we've managed 10,000.

By Donnacadh McCarthy

When in 1997 my home became the first in London to export solar electricity to the national grid, my dream was that millions of others would quickly follow. Accountancy firm KPMG had produced a report stating that solar electricity was technologically competitive with oil, but needed a mass market to be economically competitive. Since then, Germany has installed over 300,000 home renewable energy systems. But the UK has barely managed 10,000. The result: installation costs in Germany are now half those in the UK.

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I want to reduce my carbon emissions but my radiators are jammed on all the time and my plumber has disappeared…


By  Julia Stephenson


A new generation of nuclear power stations in the UK has been given formal backing by the government. Those of us opposed to nuclear energy are often accused of longing to return to a dimly lit stone-age style past but I don’t know any greens who want to live in a cave, indeed have never yet met this green yeti anti-progress person that the pro-nuclear lobby keep talking about.  Most of us just want to live within our means to ensure survival.

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I recently squeezed into a small barren metal cage to raise awareness for Primate Day, writes Julia Stephenson.


I was with animal welfare campaigner Meg Matthews and singer-songwriter Maria Daines, whose fantastic song 'Monkey in a Cage' recently made it to the top of the charts.  Horrifically, monkeys and apes are still used in animal experiments despite a ban that is supported by doctors, scientists- including the RSPCA and primatologist Dr Jane Goodall - researchers and 200 welfare groups worldwide. 

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And so once more to the stump - I have been selected as the Green Party candidate for Chelsea and Westminster in the forthcoming London Assembly elections, writes Julia Stephenson.


I say 'selected', but if I’m honest, no one else wanted to do it – like Amy Winehouse I said 'No no no’ but the thought of green-minded burghers trotting to the polling booth on 1 May to find no Green candidate to vote for was too guilt-making.  So in a triumph of hope over experience (this is my fifth election and I’ve lost every one of them), here I am again.

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Neanderthal sex god DCI Gene Hunt may drive a gas guzzling Audi Quattro, but by having no children he’s doing his bit for the planet, writes Julia Stephenson.


I am intrigued by the forthright views of French writer, Corinne Maier, who has written a book called No Kid: 40 Reasons Not to Have Children ('What, only 40?' suggested one jaded parent).

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