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An Oxford university researcher has pledged to give a third of his income to charities fighting global poverty. Toby Ord plans to give away £1million over his lifetime, and he's set up a website to help you join him .



A short sweet film about love and parking!







The act of smiling – even if you don’t feel like it – releases chemicals into the body which lift your spirit and keep you young.

Smiling is good for your overall health and smiley people are thought to have more friends and to make more money. The wider the smile, the better and you can get a good endorphin boost by smiling 50 times in row.

So give smiling a try — or you can just wear one of these crazy prosthetic smiles from artist Sascha Nordmeyer.



Author and headmaster of Wellington College Anthony Seldon places the happiness and wellbeing of his pupils at the centre of his school's curriculum - with startling academic results




An elevated railway line which once carried freight over the tough streets of New York's Meatpacking District has reopened as the city's newest and trendiest park


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What separates 'Us' — the good guys — from 'Them', the baddies?  Fundamentally, very little, says the founder of The Forgiveness Project, Marina Cantacuzino


From the mass murderers of Auschwitz, to the Islamic extremists who flew their planes into the World Trade Center, the widespread belief is that those who do grave harm to others to fulfill their ideological purpose are fundamentally different from us. We use a special vocabulary for them: 'beasts', 'monsters', 'evil'. . .

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