Regional currencies can transform the lives and well-being of local communities, and sustain businesses during a time of recession - even depression. A brilliant new book by Margrit Kennedy, Bernard Lietaer and John Rogers explains how - and why they're so important to the present and the future of the world economy.
Currency expert Bernard Lietaer argues that the monoculture of money is what creates economic instability, leading to liquidity crises, and calls for a greater diversity of alternative currencies
"I dream of a world where no one wants to be part of the "developed world." Because the notion of a world that is "developed" is not only a pessimistic and uninspiring view, it is also a dangerous one," writes Frederik Haren, founder of
April 20th sees the launch of a global campaign by the US based charity Invisible Children to capture the Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony, indicted for war crimes in 2005 by the International Criminal Court. After its release in March, this video was viewed by 100 million people in just six days.
The generosity shown by an anonymous woman at a store in Grand Rapids has triggered a wave of Christmas spirit altruism which is sweeping across the United States
The EU summit of 9 December saw a spectacular falling out between the UK and the 26 other members of the EU. But this masked a much more important issue, argues James Meadway of the new economics foundation - the terrible nature of the deal itself.
Why is the transformation of our entire monetary system so critical? Bernard Lietaer - one of the architects of the euro (yes, really) - explains