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Lord Malloch Brown, the UK Minister for Africa, Asia and the United Nations, talks about how the changing nature of violent conflict in different parts of the world poses new challenges to government.



Thank you and congratulations on having organised the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Conflict Issues, and to ministry for peace for providing its secretariat.  I am somebody who doesn’t have ambitions in British government beyond my present job, but if I did, I’d like to be the First Minister for Peace [laughter and applause].

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The Teresa Carreño Youth Orchestra contains the best high school musicians from Venezuela's life-changing music program, El Sistema


Led by Gustavo Dudamel, they play Shostakovich's Symphony No 10, 2nd movement, and Arturo Márquez' Danzón No 2. 

Click on 'Read More' below to watch their amazing performance and learn more about how this music programme has transformed so many young lives.

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The Fourth Summit of the Global Alliance for Ministries and Departments of Peace is being hosted by the Government of Costa Rica in September this year



Founded in 2004, the Global Alliance is a worldwide community of civil society organizations, committed citizens and government officials from 35 countries, working to establish governmental structures that support a culture of peace. We invite you to join us in creating this momentous event as a turning point in the history of global peace efforts.

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The Shministim are Israeli high school students who have been imprisoned for refusing to serve in an army that occupies the Palestinian Territories.





December 18 was the launch date of a global campaign to release them from jail.  You can help to set them free.

Find out more HERE.


Anne Frank would have been 80 this year - her diary still has a message for us all says Alex Canfor-Dumas


To the casual passer-by there may seem nothing remarkable about 263 Prensengracht – a four-storey building which overlooks a quiet Amsterdam canal.  Yet, almost every day throughout the year, a crowd of people gather outside this address, and patiently wait their turn to climb the steep stairs that lead to a secret annexe at the top of the house.  Here, more than sixty-five years ago, a young Jewish girl wrote a diary so remarkable and moving that its impact is still felt more than six decades after her death.

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...there is a field - I will meet you there.'  These words of poet Jalaluddin Rumi inspired fim-maker Peter Bisanz to put together a documentary on the positive role of religion in the world.


It embraces figures as diverse as Noam Chomsky, Peter Gabriel, Karen Armstrong, the Dalai Lama, Robert Thurman, Deepak Chopra, Paolo Coelho, Ela Gandhi, Desmond Tutu - and many more.

Find out what it's all about HERE.

Happy New Year 2009 to all our Friends Out There! This New Year I have strayed from my usual What's Your Poison? to share this political and humanitarian address-for-action from an inspiring and determined organization called Avaaz.



I was sent the message below via the "tell-a-friend" tool at Avaaz retains no information about individuals contacted through this tool. Avaaz will not send you further messages without your consent - although your friends could, of course, send you another message.

(Please note, strong image used alongside text)

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