The Albanian leaders of Kosova (or Kosovo or Kosovo i Metohija) declared themselves independent from Serbia at 03.00 pm on Sunday the 17th of February.
If you think that Kosovo is small and this is of little concern to you - allow me to tell you why this is a piece of European and world politics the importance of which stands in inverse proportion to the size of that tiny province.
Denis Halliday and Hans von Sponeck were the UN
Humanitarian Coordinators in Iraq (1997-98 and 1998-2000 respectively), charged with implementing the UN-imposed sanctions on the ground.
Both resigned after witnessing at first hand the immense death and suffering caused by the sanctions. Here they speak at a recent conference about the present and future of Iraq.
If forgiving someone who has done you wrong is difficult, how is it possible to forgive those who have killed your loved ones?
Marina Cantacuzino investigates
Anthony Walker's mother spoke of forgiving the two racists who killed her son,
or the entire Amish community in Pennsylvania forgave the man who shot so many
of their young daughters dead, or the Rev Julie Nicholson stepped down from the
pulpit because she couldn't forgive the suicide bomber who killed her daughter
in the 7/7 bombings - it sparked a
debate and got everyone talking.
How many empires have risen and fallen in the Middle East during the past 5000 years?
Find out in just 90 seconds...
The 14th
Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, is the spiritual leader of Tibet. Since 1959 he
has been living in Dharamsala, in northern India, the seat of the Tibetan
government in exile.
force can never subdue the basic human desire for freedom. The thousands of
people who marched in the cities of Eastern Europe in recent decades, the
unwavering determination of the people in my homeland of Tibet and the recent
demonstrations in Burma are powerful reminders of this truth.
By Sir Jeremy Greenstock, the former Britsh Ambassador to the
UN and the UK government's former Special Representative in Iraq, where he
worked alongside Paul Bremer in the Coalition Provisional Authority until his
resignation in March 2004, three months before the end of the CPA's term.
Johan Galtung is
widely regarded as the 'father' of peace studies. This is a talk he gave
to an informal meeting of the UN General Assembly Plenary in New York on 2 October
2007, the International Day of Nonviolence.