
The synthesis of the material and spiritual in certain Buddhist teachings has gone generally unnoticed in the West, writes Eddy Canfor-Dumas.  One of the few exceptions was the late E F Schumacher, who devoted a short chapter in his renowned work, Small Is Beautiful, to Buddhist economics


Money. A popular subject. And more so now than ever, when so much of it seems to have mysteriously disappeared. Eddy Canfor-Dumas investigates from a Buddhist angle

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The group Bringing Unity Back Into the Community (BUBIC) in Haringey, North London, recently won the London Drug Team of the Year award. Manager Kelvin O'Mard explains how he and members of his team help make a difference to the lives of crack users, ex-crack users, their friends and families.


Nelumbo nucifera, the lotus flower, has been a sacred symbol for thousands of years, writes Diane Southam



In the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities in Cairo some years ago I was entranced to see gigantic sculptures of a Pharaoh and his consort, each cradling a lotus in the palm of their hand, smiling peacefully as they gazed into eternity.

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Dr Alex Lickerman is a physician and former Director of Primary Care at the University of Chicago.  He’s been a practising SGI Buddhist since 1989

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As Buddhists, we chant for the health and happiness of ourselves and our families and for peace in our communities but rarely do we find ourselves literally chanting for our lives.

Liberian SGI member Andy Ankrah found himself doing just that. For the past 14 years Liberia has been torn apart by tribal rivalries. The fighting has claimed more than 200,000 lives, displaced one million people and made the country famous for ethnic hatred, public executions and child soldiers.



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Mohandas Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr and Daisaku Ikeda — three men from three different cultures and continents, who have followed a common path of profound dedication and achievement in improving the lives of all people

The following short film is part of the Gandhi, King, Ikeda Exhibition conceived by Lawrence Edward Carter Sr, Dean of the Martin Luther King Jr International Chapel at Morehouse College, near Atlanta, Georgia, where King was educated.

Dean Carter hopes that by examining the lives of these great figures, people will find within the grasp of their own daily existence the same lofty ideals and principles — and also take action to change the world for the better.

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