

Jennifer Isidore from London describes how she was caught in a clash between youth gangs while walking home. She was able to diffuse the situation, and used her Buddhist faith to build bonds of trust and understanding with young people in her community.

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'What I radiate has an immense and pronounced effect on the world — that is sometimes easy to forget,' says Zen Buddhist Bhodi Anjo Daishin

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Eastern spirituality is in vogue. Why?  Is it a desire to reintroduce mystery into a material world? A dissatisfaction with the single God of Western religions?  Or a temporary consumer fad?


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Josei Toda, second president of the Soka Gakkai, defined the confusion between knowledge and wisdom as one of the major failings of modern society. But wisdom can be an elusive concept. And knowledge can be seductive. How do we balance the two?


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People first coming into contact with the practice of the Soka Gakkai International may be struck by the importance placed on the phrase 'Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.' It may appear that everything starts from and returns to this single phrase. 


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Ngapaki Emery talks about the way her Buddhist practice has changed her relationship with herself and the way she walks in the world as a Maori.



SGI President Ikeda writes about 'the dangers of sudden deprivation' caused by natural disasters, conflict and economic crises, in his 2012 Peace Proposal to the UN - 'Human Security and Sustainability: Sharing Reverence for the Dignity of Life'.


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