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When it comes to drama queens, most of us either know one or indeed actually are one. Neither sex is immune to displaying histrionic, attention-seeking, soap-opera-like behaviour.


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Jeni Reddy enjoys a mud walk in Britain’s first barefoot park



I’m a male in my mid-twenties. For years now I’ve struggled to maintain relationships – usually because I end up sabotaging them. 



I think it’s because deep down I don’t believe that anyone can really care about me. Recently I’ve come to the conclusion that this probably has something to do with being sexually abused by an older relative when I was nine. I don’t know if I should or could go for help. I think I’d feel uncomfortable talking about it with anyone.

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Woodland therapy is providing a multitude of psychological, emotional and physical benefits for deprived and disturbed adolescents.



Diane Southam finds Santa in Turkey.



It was the middle of August. Exhausted, we’d been driving for hours in sweltering heat along the Turquoise coast in Turkey, trying to find an inn for the night that hadn’t been requisitioned by package holiday companies.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, wherever we looked, from telegraph poles to billboards, there were posters of a grinning Father Christmas in traditional Santa garb. Seeing Santa in the summer in a Muslim country was confusing to say the least.

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It’s that time of year again! Diane Southam looks at the pros and cons of Christmas – and how to survive it


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The day after I was made redundant last July, I was on the tube when I suddenly felt dreadful.  I was convinced I was having a heart attack.


After tests my doctor told me my heart was fine and that it was probably just a panic attack. Since then it’s happened to me again on the tube, in the supermarket and once at a football match. I’ve always been an outgoing person - now I’m scared of going out.


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